Law Tech Daily (May 31): Nextpoint's Bold Move of Launching a Law Firm in Arizona

AI-generated fake cases sparked debates on AI ethics and the importance of lawyer competence. The industry must balance AI benefits while preserving human judgment and critical thinking.

Welcome to your daily briefing for May 31, 2023. Here's what happened in Legal Tech Yesterday.

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Have less than a 1 min? Three takeaways from yesterday

  1. Verify, Verify, Verify: When using AI-powered tools for legal research, it's crucial to verify the information provided independently. The recent incident with ChatGPT highlights the importance of thinking critically and conducting thorough evaluations of sources before relying on them.
  2. Embrace a Learning Mindset: As technology advances, legal knowledge workers must embrace a learning mindset and stay informed about the benefits and risks associated with AI. Keeping up with the evolving landscape of AI in the legal industry is essential to adapt effectively and make informed decisions.
  3. Balance Technology and Human Expertise: While AI tools can enhance productivity and efficiency, they should not replace the fundamental principles of legal practice. It's vital to balance leveraging AI as a supportive tool and maintaining the human touch, critical thinking, and ethical responsibility that define the legal profession. By using technology as a complement to their expertise, legal knowledge workers can maximize the benefits while upholding professional integrity.

A New York law firm and two attorneys faced potential sanctions after filing cases that turned out to be fake, generated by the AI-powered tool ChatGPT. This incident reignited discussions about the ethical use of AI in legal research and emphasized the need for lawyer competence and critical thinking. Additionally, there were reports of Nextpoint launching a law firm in Arizona under liberalized law practice rules, and concerns were raised about the accuracy and reliability of AI-powered tools in the legal profession.


Using generative AI tools like ChatGPT has garnered attention yet again, with both benefits and risks being explored. While these tools can assist lawyers in finding relevant cases and improving efficiency, it is essential to exercise caution and verify the information they provide. The incident with the New York lawyer highlights the importance of technological competence for lawyers and the need to evaluate AI-generated content independently. The growing prevalence of AI in legal research has raised questions about the boundaries and limitations of these tools. It also emphasizes the significance of human ethical judgment, critical thinking, and common sense in the decision-making process.


The recent controversies surrounding the use of AI in the legal profession underscore the ongoing debate about the role of technology in legal research. While AI-powered tools can enhance productivity and accuracy, they should not replace the fundamental principles of legal practice. Lawyers must remain vigilant, exercise sound judgment, and thoroughly evaluate the sources and information provided by AI tools. This requires a learning mindset and a commitment to staying informed about the benefits and risks associated with relevant technology.

Furthermore, the incident with the New York lawyer serves as a cautionary tale for lawyers, highlighting the consequences of relying solely on technology without fully understanding its capabilities and limitations. It is crucial for legal professionals to adapt to the changing landscape of AI and continuously educate themselves on the latest developments. Transparency from AI tool vendors regarding accuracy rates and robust verification processes will also be crucial in building trust and ensuring reliable outcomes.

Looking ahead, the legal industry must strike a balance between embracing the potential benefits of AI-powered tools and maintaining the human touch, critical thinking, and ethical responsibility that define the legal profession. As technology evolves, lawyers should leverage AI as a supportive tool rather than a replacement for their expertise. By doing so, they can harness the advantages of AI while safeguarding the integrity and trustworthiness of the legal profession.

Key stories

Why the Avianca ‘Bogus Cases’ News Is Not About Either Generative AI or Lawyers’ Tech Competence (LawSites)

The recent case of lawyers facing sanctions for using AI-generated bogus cases raises questions about lawyer competence rather than the failings of AI technology. The incident serves as a reminder of the duty of technology competence adopted by the American Bar Association, requiring lawyers to stay informed about the benefits and risks associated with relevant technology. Ignorance of technology has never been a successful defense in cases involving sanctions for e-discovery misconduct.

The lawyer's failure to exercise common sense in verifying the legitimacy of the cases, relying solely on ChatGPT's responses instead of cross-checking with other legal research sources, demonstrates the importance of thorough investigation and critical thinking. The incident highlights the need for lawyers to exercise caution, independently evaluate AI-generated content, and read the cases they cite. Ultimately, this cautionary tale emphasizes the significance of lawyer competence and the exercise of common sense in utilizing technology effectively and responsibly.

Exclusive: In A First For E-Discovery, Tech Company Nextpoint Is Launching A ‘Data-Driven’ Law Firm Under Arizona’s Liberalized Ownership Rules (Legal Tech Monitor)

The launch of Nextpoint Law Group (NLG) in Arizona marks a significant development in the legal industry. NLG is a law firm created by e-discovery technology company Nextpoint, operating under Arizona's liberalized law practice rules that allow non-lawyers to own law firms. NLG will provide discovery and litigation legal services, focusing on trial strategy, document review, legal research, and brief writing. This move highlights the expanding role of technology companies in the legal sector and their ability to offer comprehensive services beyond software solutions.

NLG aims to cater to smaller and boutique firms that may lack the resources and infrastructure to handle complex litigation matters. By providing a combination of technology expertise and legal advice, NLG seeks to support these firms in handling more cases without significant investments of time and resources. Integrating Nextpoint's cloud-based platform allows for flexible resource allocation based on the fluctuating demands of legal matters.

Overall, NLG's launch demonstrates the growing convergence trend between legal technology and legal services. By leveraging their software expertise, companies like Nextpoint are well-positioned to provide comprehensive solutions and address the evolving needs of the legal industry.

All stories

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