Law Tech Daily (May 30): what happened last week?

Here is what happened in legal tech last week, from service launches and changes to remote work dynamics and ethical considerations in AI integration.

Welcome to your daily briefing for May 30th. Here's what happened in Legal Tech Yesterday.

Turns out not too much! Being a public holiday/bank holiday in several key markets, it seems not much leal tech news was published. So here is a digest of what happened last week.

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- Added an even shorter summary section. Have less than a min, find three pragmatic takeaways below.
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Have less than a 1 min? Here are three pragmatic takeaways from yesterday:

  1. Embrace Customized AI Solutions: As the legal industry incorporates AI tools like ChatGPT and GPT-4, legal knowledge workers should explore and embrace the potential of customized AI solutions. These tools offer advantages such as streamlined document drafting and idea brainstorming. However, it is crucial to understand AI's limitations and exercise caution in crafting prompts to ensure accuracy and reliability.
  2. Adapt to Remote Work Dynamics: The pandemic has accelerated the shift towards remote work in the legal field. Legal knowledge workers should proactively adapt to remote work dynamics by investing in the necessary infrastructure, resources, and training. Effective remote collaboration tools, project management platforms, and cloud-based practice management software can enhance efficiency and facilitate seamless workflows.
  3. Navigate Ethical Considerations and Human Expertise: As AI becomes more prevalent, legal knowledge workers must navigate ethical considerations and leverage their expertise alongside AI tools. It is essential to uphold professional standards, ensure the responsible use of AI, and address concerns about job displacement and bias. Balancing the benefits of AI with human involvement is key to maintaining ethical and accurate legal practices.

Legal knowledge workers can harness the power of customized AI solutions, adapt to remote work dynamics, and integrate human expertise to drive efficiency and deliver high-quality legal services in the evolving legal tech landscape.

Last week brought significant developments in the legal technology landscape. Two major players, Hogan Lovells and Thomson Reuters, made notable strides in incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) into their offerings. Hogan Lovells introduced ELTEMATE, a brand that unifies its legal technology solutions and focuses on developing proprietary AI tools. Thomson Reuters unveiled its plans to integrate generative AI and chat functionality into its legal products, partnering with Microsoft to enhance its productivity suite. These advancements reflect the industry's ongoing drive to leverage technology and address the evolving needs of legal professionals.


  1. Customized AI Solutions: Integrating generative AI tools, like ChatGPT and GPT-4, into legal software platforms is a growing trend. These AI chatbots offer advantages such as document drafting and idea brainstorming. However, concerns about factual inaccuracies highlight the importance of understanding AI's limitations and crafting prompts carefully. Additionally, law firms are shifting towards developing their own proprietary software to streamline processes and gain a competitive edge.
  2. Remote Work and Technology: The pandemic has accelerated the adoption of remote work in the legal industry. This shift presents both opportunities and challenges for law firms. While remote work offers flexibility, firms must invest in infrastructure and resources to support remote teams effectively. Building strong team connections and maintaining firm culture in a virtual environment is crucial for success. The integration of technology tools, such as project management platforms and cloud-based practice management software, is enabling efficient remote collaboration and workflow management.
  3. Ethical Considerations and Human Expertise: As AI becomes more prevalent in the legal field, ethical considerations and the need for human expertise come to the forefront. Law firms must balance the potential benefits of AI, such as streamlining processes and reducing costs, with concerns about job displacement and bias in decision-making. Upholding professional standards and ensuring the reliability and ethical use of AI technologies remain paramount.


The legal technology industry is undergoing a transformative phase driven by the integration of AI and the changing dynamics of work. The initiatives undertaken by Hogan Lovells and Thomson Reuters exemplify the industry's commitment to embracing technology and meeting the evolving needs of legal professionals.

The launch of ELTEMATE by Hogan Lovells positions the firm as a leader in legal technology solutions. By developing its own proprietary AI tools, Hogan Lovells aims to provide clients with enhanced digital solutions and overcome challenges in the legal profession. This strategic move not only distinguishes them from relying solely on third-party solutions but also strengthens their competitive advantage.

Thomson Reuters' integration of generative AI and chat functionality across its product suite demonstrates a commitment to enhancing productivity and user experience. By partnering with Microsoft, they aim to leverage AI capabilities to improve legal research, workflow processes, and client collaboration. This collaboration can potentially redefine professional work in the legal industry, starting with legal research and drafting.

While adopting AI and remote work offers significant benefits, law firms must navigate challenges associated with ethical considerations, data security, and maintaining human expertise. Striking the right balance between technology and human involvement is crucial to ensure the responsible and effective use of AI tools.

Questions we are pondering

  1. How does Hogan Lovells' introduction of ELTEMATE and the developing of proprietary AI tools position them competitively against other law firms relying solely on third-party solutions?
  2. With the accelerated adoption of remote work in the legal industry, what specific infrastructure investments and resources are essential for law firms to successfully support remote teams and maintain a firm culture in a virtual environment?
  3. In the context of AI integration, what are some of the key ethical considerations that legal professionals and law firms should be mindful of, and how can they ensure the responsible use of AI technologies while upholding professional standards?
  4. From a strategic standpoint, how can law firms strike the right balance between investing in proprietary AI solutions and leveraging third-party AI platforms? What factors should be considered when deciding whether to develop in-house AI capabilities or rely on external vendors, and how can law firms optimize their technology investments accordingly?

Key stories

The Legal Hallucinatory Detectorist (The Time Blawg)

The use of ChatGPT technology for legal research has highlighted the need for law firms to employ Legal Hallucinatory Detectorists to identify mistakes made by the AI, known as "hallucinations." The revelation that lawyers in the US have been using ChatGPT in court filings, which produced fake citations to cases that did not exist, has led to criticism of the technology. Some argue that established legal research tools, such as LexisNexis and Westlaw, should be used instead of ChatGPT to avoid potential errors.