RAPIDx Launch & AI Adoption Trends

Yesterday, legal tech saw the launch of RAPIDx, a shift towards subscription billing models, and the inauguration of AI task forces. These developments signal a revolution in traditional legal processes and underline the increasing presence of AI in the industry.

RAPIDx Launch & AI Adoption Trends

Welcome to your Law Tech briefing for Sep 4, 2023, covering what happened in legal tech recently.

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Have less than a 1 min? Three takeaways from yesterday

  1. Technology adoption and automation are becoming critical in legal practices: New tools like Fulcrum GT's RAPIDx are automating traditional source-to-pay processes and ushering a shift towards transparent billing systems. Legal firms should adapt to these technological advancements to maintain competitiveness and improve client relationships.
  2. AI integration in legal operations is gaining momentum: The American Bar Association's (ABA) new AI Task Force and Jeffrey Solomon's guide on AI adoption signify the growing significance of AI in the legal sector. Legal knowledge workers should embrace AI to leverage data-driven insights, but also understand the potential challenges, such as data privacy and security issues.
  3. Institutional support for technology in the legal sector is growing: The move by the New Zealand Law Society to establish an independent regulator reinforces the necessity of revamping traditional systems and processes to accommodate technology. Legal firms should consider acting in alignment with such advancements for more efficient practices.


Here's what happened in legal tech recently...

Fulcrum GT unveiled its innovation—RAPIDx, a legal spend management application intended to automate the source-to-pay processes for law firms and corporate legal departments. Peppermint Technology welcomed Matt O'Callaghan as the Chief Client Officer for its North American team, a firm recognized globally for delivering Microsoft-based law firm solutions. Additionally, The American Bar Association (ABA) launched a Task Force on Law and Artificial Intelligence (AI), headed by attorney Lucy L. Thomson, to investigate AI's impact on legal practices. Finally, the New Zealand Law Society has agreed to establish an independent legal service regulator.


The industry is pushing for greater transparency, with Fulcrum GT's offering RAPIDx attempting to transition from traditional billable hours to a subscription model. This trend spotlights the significance of picking fitting legal payment processing providers in the digital age. For example, Clio Payments, offering flexible payment options, is improving collections drastically. Embracing AI within legal operations, marked by Jeffrey Solomon's five-step guide for effective AI adoption within corporate legal departments, is another major industry trend seen yesterday. The launch of the ABA task force further emphasizes this move towards AI integration.


The development and adoption of legal technology solutions like RAPIDx reflect a desire to revolutionize traditional processes in law firms. The movement from billable hour structures to more transparent subscription models could bring significant changes in client-law firm relationships. However, the effectiveness of such tools will largely rest on legal firms' adaptability to new technologies. AI's increasing presence in the legal sector, suggested by Jeffrey Solomon's AI adoption guide and the inauguration of the ABA's AI task force, underlines an industry-wide shift towards embracing machine learning and data-driven insights.

As transparency becomes a key priority, AI's role in shaping legal technology's future is not just promising but also brings in a new set of challenges like data privacy and security, which professionals need to grapple with. These movements also illustrate a growing understanding that technology isn't just an optional extra for law firms but rather a necessity in the current digital age. With the New Zealand Law Society's agreement to structure an independent regulator, the importance of redefining systems and processes to support technology adoption in the legal industry is getting clearer.


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